North Branch Land Trust’s Winter Tree ID Hike will be a mild-paced hike through one of NBLT’s preserves, Forest Echo Bird Sanctuary, where participants can expect a knowledgeable forester to guide the way through branches, bark, and other clues that can help you identify trees in Northeastern PA no matter what time of year. Common Tree of Pennsylvania ID books will be given out and participants are encouraged to follow along with their tree guides. After the hike, participants can continue their journey with North Branch Land Trust to nearby Jane’s Sugar Magnolia for warm beverages and fresh-baked goods. Hike participants will receive a 10% discount on their post-hike purchases that day.
Saturday Jan 18, 2025
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST
January 18, 2025 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Forest Echo Bird Sanctuary West Center Hill Road Dallas, Pa 18612
There is no cost to attend this event, but registration is required due to limited parking. Participants are encouraged to become members of North Branch Land Trust or to consider making a contribution the size of their choosing to support more events like these in the future.
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Back Mountain Chamber for more information.
105 Lt Michael Cleary Drive, Dallas, PA 18612 – 5706759380 –